Natural Fibre Lightshade Making Workshop
With Zimmi Forest
Zimmi Forest is a fibre artist from Byron Bay who has a passion for sustainability and the environment. Zimmi works with nature, about nature and in nature.
Come join us and create a beautiful natural fibre lightshade, a unique and practical piece of art work which you will treasure in your home forever. All materials including the frame are provided. No electrical materials provided.
We will be gathering in ‘The Green House’ our indoor workspace and enjoy a chat, morning tea & lunch together.
NOW for a little about Zimmi.
She loves basketry and has taught herself the skills to use discarded natural materials to make utilitarian objects. Zimmi studied fine art and from there her practise has expanded to include painting, metal, fishing line and glass.
Zimmi’s skills are based in basketry, carpentry, floristry, ceramics and welding and her work has been in many nationally recognised exhibitions including; Sculpture by the Sea, Conrad Jupiters, The Blake Prize and Jacaranda Acquisitive Drawing Award.
Zimmi has had 10 solo shows at both commercial and regional galleries and has been commissioned to create over 100 artworks for public galleries, private clients, hospitals and resorts.